Sea of Acupuncture & Herb Clinic
Scituate, MA 02066 | Phone: 781-378-1886
"I came to Practitioner Xuemei Cao for acupuncture treatment of my knees. Medical doctors said I had torn meniscus in both knees along with arthritis. I had knee surgery for a torn meniscus several years earlier and was never satisfied with the results. So I knew I wanted to avoid another surgery. I tried physical therapy. I went faithfully twice a week for six months. Yet, I still had pain and stiffness in my knees that limited my quality of life. With Practitioner Cao's acupuncture treatment for me after a few months, she has restored my knees. I am back to walking my dogs three miles a day, which I haven't been able to do for over a year. I have stopped taking the elevator at work and am back to taking the stairs. I have increased flexibility, and strength in my knees. Along with my knee problems, Xuemei has also helped me with gall bladder and relaxation issues. I would highly recommend the skill and caring attitude of Acupuncturist Xuemei Cao."
"Xuemei is a very compassionate and knowledgeable practitioner who helped me start my steps to regaining my balance both mentally and physically. Dealing with my lower back, knee and depression issues Xuemei was able to form a treatment plan to get me back and knee on track. After a few treatments I was feeling healthy both mentally and physically and no longer dragging throughout the day. I am very thankful for her help and treatments using acupuncture and herbs."
"Ms. Xuemei Cao has been treating my Avascular Necrosis (Arthritis) for the last 3 months. She has made a positive impact in my life because ever since I came to her care my condition has gone from painful and critical to manageable and recovering. I have gone from limping to a minimal discomfort walking. She has been able to identify with precision the major location sources of pain and discomfort on my left groin and my right hip. I was experiencing unbearable pain to the point of having to use on a regular basis the over the counter medication ALEVE for Arthritis. Today no medication is necessary since the Acupuncture Treatments have been effective and have given me back the ability to enjoy mobility and independence to enjoy all the good things in life. I want to express my profound gratitude to Ms. Cao for providing me the best and most effective Acupuncture treatments anyone will like to receive to feel upbeat and able to enjoy life. Thank you."
"I suffered for several years with persistent acid reflux. Sometimes it would present as typical but severe heartburn. Other times pain would radiate from my sternum to my back, mimicking the pain of a heart attack. Doctors prescribed treating my condition with one of the latest proton pump inhibitors, in my case, Protonix, to reduce acid production in my stomach.
The treatment was effective, but apparently expensive for my insurance company. After two years, they refused to pay for Protonix or any proton pump inhibitors beyond a 14-day course. I resorted to buying Prilosec OTC which worked but was expensive. I began researching why the 2-week course was recommended and found that prolonged use had undesirable side effects. These included preventing the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals which would ultimately lead to weak bones. There were other even scarier effects which made me determined to find another way to relieve my acid reflux without a pallet load of antacids.
I spoke with Xuemei Cao about my history of severe acid reflux and the treatment I received. After asking me several questions about when the reflux occurred she was sure she could help me. She put me on a course of Chinese herbal based pills, for several weeks, adjusting the typical Asian dosage for my Western body chemistry. I felt relief from my symptoms within the first week and by the end of my treatment I can verify that the symptoms had disappeared.
I remainpain free except for infrequent, minor heartburn that is easily treated with an antacid. Any heartburn I do get is directly attributable to a high fat meal.
The cessation of the acid reflux is miraculous and I am grateful to Xuemei for her help. I recommend her as a capable and thoughtful practitioner of Chinese medicine."
"My mom, 83 years old, is in general healthy. But she has long history with her moderate to severe constipation, which bothers her quite a lot. She had tried many ways over the years, but nothing seems work effectively. About two years ago, she was seeing Xuemei Cao at New England School of Acupuncture for the very same problem. After five treatments of acupuncture procedure with Xuemei (once a week for five weeks), the improvement was noticeable from once a few days and very difficult to once a day or every other day and relatively easy. When the session completed, Xuemei has prescribed my mom a drink of Chinese herb mixture to maintain the good result. Up to nowadays my mom is still taking the herb drink from time to time, and she is grateful for the acupuncture therapy with Xuemei and Chinese herb medicine."
"In February 2017 Ciara was injured playing soccer, she was hit in the face with the ball at close range causing neck pain similar to whiplash.
Over the next 7 months: we consulted Pediatrician, Orthopedic specialist, Sports Medicine doctor at Children’s Hospital. Had numerous x-rays, MRIs, EMGs, ultrasounds, and bloodwork. She was prescribed muscle relaxers, prescription strength Ibuprofen and Cortisone shots. Recommended physical therapy and chiropractor. During this time, Ciara’s pain and discomfort continued unchanged, we tried all the above with no results no relief. In addition, she developed Scapula Dyskinesis and her level of discomfort in neck, shoulders, back now chronic.
In February 2018 Ciara had her first acupuncture session. Xuemei was able to identify and treat the deep muscle tissues injury and scapula condition on the first visit. Acupuncture immediately provided relief, lessened the tightness, discomfort, and inflammation from her chronic muscular injury. Ciara met with Xuemei over the next 3 months for a combination of acupuncture, infrared lighting and cupping. Ciara is now symptom free, pain free and actively back to her competitive level of play in soccer. Ciara is participating in Xuemei’s herb clinic, the herb is allowing her deep tissue areas and trigger spots to continue to heal. Ciara notably feels the difference from taking the herb 1x day, it may taste terrible but really works!
Acupuncture with Xuemei has been life changing, a truly amazing experience…so grateful!"
"In September 2017 Hannah was injured while playing soccer, a complete tear of ACL and meniscus in her right knee. She had surgery in October to replace ACL with hamstring graph and repair meniscus. After 6 months of rehab in Physical Therapy was cleared to return to play.
Hannah started with Xuemei in April to supplement the rehab process of returning back to competitive play. Acupuncture sessions have provided relief, lessened the tightness in the muscles and ligaments as she increases the stress and strain on them. Acupuncture has helped alleviate the pressure on all her muscles and joints, as well as the post-surgical side effects of scar tissue and numbness. Each acupuncture session, as Hannah increases her level of play, provides the ligament to heal and recover more quickly as she rebuilds and gain strength. Acupuncture has been an important piece in her complete rehab process."
"I visited Cao’s Acupuncture & Herb Clinic to address moderately-high blood pressure. Mei’s treatments and herbs targeted my liver, kidneys and bladder as a means to find the source of the elevated blood pressure. In a few weeks an issue became evident that had gone undetected by my primary-care physician (a complete physical just two months prior gave me a clean bill-of-health). Mei suggested I return to the primary-care doctor for an ultrasound. The ultrasound revealed a small growth/tumor in my bladder, which was later removed. The tumor turned out to be a very early stage of cancer. I am convinced that if I had not undergone this therapy, a year or two might have passed before the tumor was detected by traditional medicine. I am indebted to Mei’s acupuncture and herbs for uncovering what could have turned into a more difficult situation. My blood pressure is presently in the normal range."
"I cannot recommend Cao Accupuncture highly enough. I began seeing Xumei Cao in June of 2017 after being diagnosed with the tickborne illnesses Ehrlichiosis and Anaplasmosis that May. The acute aspect of the illness was similar to the flu, with a week of fevers, rigors, body aches and exhaustion. The lingering side effects were ongoing fatigue, joint pain and digestive issues, primarily abdominal discomfort and bloating. I am a runner and the fatigue and joint pain the illnesses left me with were rather devastating, so on top of the physical aspects, I also became increasingly depressed. I had seen an accupuncturist in the past for issues with low energy, so I thought I would try accupunture again and a freind recommended Xumei.
Xumei was extremely receptive when I listed my various ailments, she was familiar with tickborne illenesses and immediately developed a plan of care to alleviate my symptoms. After one treatment, I began feeling more positive and energetic. After about four months of weekly visits (an invaluable investment in my health), I was feeing better than I did prior to my tickbite. My runs were pain free, my energy and mood were elevated and my digestive issues were tamed. Now I continue to see Xumei once a month because she always has an effective treatment for whatever might be ailing me and keeps me fine-tuned overall. Ironcially, I am an RN in one of Boston's large hospitals and work in a Medical Intensive Care Unit. I see a multitude of illness, and hope some day accupuncture could be a primary part of Western Medical Practice as I believe the holistic aspect of the practice would make us a much healthier society and could help prevent devastating health crises. For now, I remain sincerely grateful to have access to such a tremendous healer."
"I have been seeing Xuemei for acupuncture treatments and herbal remedies for about a year and a half. I first visited her for help with pain in my neck and shoulder. I was not looking for much else because I assumed that was all the treatments could do to help. After some discussions with Xuemei, however, I decided keep visiting and extend the treatment period to try helping with problems that have plagued me for my entire life: migraines, depression, anxiety, and ADHD. I just figured there was no harm in trying, at least, but I was not sure what to expect from it. When treatment began for these conditions, I was on high doses of multiple medications to control them. I felt as though I was stuck with the daily choice of feeling either borderline dysfunctional if I did not take them or sick from the side effects if I did. I am still in my early 30s, and I was not sure what to think of having to make that decision every day for the rest of my life. Since Xuemei first started treating me, I have been able to steadily reduce my medications until I felt comfortable enough to come off of them. I feel calmer, more stable, and more focused than I had previously. While I believe it is something that will always have to be monitored, I am glad to know that I will not have to always be on these medications that, for all the good they can certainly do, still have some adverse effects. It has been a huge and positive life changer for me, and I am very glad for the day I first decided to pick up the phone and call."
Want to feel better with Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine treatment?
Call now to make your appointment at 781-378-1886