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Yanping Jin was born in Nan Chang, Jiang Xi Province located in the southeast area of the People’s Republic of China.  The province spans from the banks of the Yangtze River in the North to the more hilly areas in the south and east. The best porcelain producer “Jing De Zhen” is in this region.  This province is also famous for Lushan National Park, which was named as one of the world’s heritage sites from UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization).
















At the age of thirteen, Yangping and her entire school were relocated to Jing An County, a remote countryside from her home. This was due to the consequence of the cultural revolution (from 1966 to 1976). She became a young farmer but still remained a student. Being a farmer in the beautiful rural mountainous area for a few years, Yanping experienced a life of simplicity and hard physical work. This became the foundation of her Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) career later.


In 1972, Yanping was afforded an opportunity to study medicine at Nanchang City School of Public Health.  Two years after completion of her study, she, at age 19, became a doctor at the Gao An County TCM Hospital.  During that time, she gained first-hand experience by treating many patients who were suffering from various disorders or diseases and learned a great deal from senior TCM doctors. She wanted to further pursue her interest in Chinese Medicine.


In 1976 after two years of practice TCM in hospital, Yanping decided to go back to school to study again. She went to Jangxi College of Chinese Medicine (now named Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine) to study TCM.  She became passionate about this powerful form of medicine.  After completion of her three years of TCM program study in 1979, Yanping passed a very selective national level exam. She became the first class TCM graduate student in Tianjin University of Chinese Medicine, after the ten year long culture revolution. In 1982, she received her Master’s degree from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine which began her life-long career as a TCM teaching professional, as well as a TCM practitioner for both acupuncture and herbal medicine. 


Yanping taught classic Chinese medicine, with topics of the “Cold Induced Febrile Diseases” (Shang Han Lun by Master Zhang Zhong Jing) at Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for many years.  She moved to Boston, MA USA in 1996. She continued her TCM teaching with New England School of Acupuncture.  Yanping was the key instructor in the Department of Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) until August 2019.  She taught numerous courses which included:  Internal Herbal Medicine I & II,  Gynecology in Chinese Medicine, Herbal Formulas I & II, and Chinese Ancient Master and Modern Case Studies. While teaching the TCM classes, she also functioned as clinical supervisors for both acupuncture and Chinese herbal clinics at the Teaching Clinic of NESA. Yanping was one of the most popular teachers and clinic supervisors at NESA.  Students expressed their great respect to her with different expressions of appreciation.


Yanping received “Excellence in Teaching award” from New England School of Acupuncture in the year of 2000 and “New England School of Acupuncture 2015 Community Award” which was through a student’s nomination letter which described her great contribution to NESA’s education.


In addition to her excellence in teaching, Yanping is also a great TCM practitioner.  As previously mentioned, she was a doctor in China from age 19, first working at Gaoan County TCM Hospital, then at two affiliated hospitals of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine until she left China.  She has continued her professional acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Herbalist practice in USA after obtaining Massachusetts acupuncture license and diplomas of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology by National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) in 1997. She worked at several clinics which include Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Center, Brookline MA (1997-2006); Cheng Muscular Therapy Group, Inc. Cambridge MA (1999-2014) and Golden Key Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Clinic at Cambridge MA (2014-20






Porcelain products from Jing De Zhen

One of views of Lushan in fog

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