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The Story of My Name

Since the opening of my clinic, I finally have had time to write in my blog. First of all, I would like to introduce the background of my name. When I was born in Henan, China, there was a big snow storm at the time of my birth, but outside in the yard, there were still blooming snow flowers. So my mother thought this meant something for my life in the future: a hard working life with beautiful results. So she named me: Xuemei, which means snow flower. Now half a century has passed, and I realized my life is indeed the way my name reflects (the image of a snow flower is used as the background for my website).

I have been very busy with my clinic so far, but I have felt great, especially when I see how much I can help my patients with their health issues. Last September, the local newspaper interviewed me and published a nice article about me and my clinic called, “ Scituate Woman Masters Traditional Chinese Medicine.” I would like to post it here below for everyone to read and find out more about me.

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